Published on December 28, 2005 By Phoenixheart In Community
Though I've just submited a few icons to the ObjectDock skin area, I've been a visiter and registered user of WC for a long time. One thing easy to see is, there are too many icons for the "famous" programs, like Photoshop, Winamp, WMP... As I know, a lot of people use many other programs on their PC, and they can't find their OD icons anywhere, as well as they do not know how to create one themselves (as in my case before).
So, why don't we have an "open area" for those OD users to request for their favorite programs' icons? And those who can use graphical apps can create them. It's also a chance to improve your skills isn't it ?
I'll be the first... Any one need an icon? You can send me a screenshot of the origin icon, and I'll try to make it an OD one (128, 256, in PNG or ICO...).
Not so good in graphik, so I need the help from the pro gd!

Comments (Page 75)
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on Jan 03, 2007
on Jan 04, 2007
Wow, you're just crankin' them out today, eh? Again, awesome job. you're my favorite OD Iconist.


on Jan 04, 2007
Alright, I've got one more for 'ya. There's this program called OurTunes designed to share music across a network, but its a executable jar file and has no icon from the company. would you be able to create something similar to the iTunes icon and merging it with something network related (like a globe or something of the like)? If you could, that would be superb.

as usual, cheers.

on Jan 04, 2007
What have they done????
I didn't receive ANY notification for the last 10 post!
Can't believe it! What are you doing guys???
Is there any better solution for watching this thread?
on Jan 04, 2007
Ok, bandit, here's the preview of Adobe Captivate you've requested:

Btw, the CHM to PDF icon is great!
on Jan 04, 2007
arcturus13, I'm not sure I understand your request... You want an icon of a runner???
on Jan 04, 2007
Oops, sorry... ANY MORE. ANY MORE. ANY MORE! (I must repeat it over and over so that I can remember )
on Jan 04, 2007
The captivate icon is SUPERB! Phoenixheart, you are awesome!

and as to your question about watching the thread, I'm afraid the only method I've had work for me is to continually check the thread over and over again to see if there are any new posts...I have never recieved any update messages although I have it set to do so.
on Jan 04, 2007
on Jan 04, 2007
Hey Bandit, this one's great; exactly what I had in mind. Thanks for all your help, I've been trying to teach myself some of this stuff, but I'm not quite up to par with it all yet.

thanks a bunch!

on Jan 04, 2007
I just want to make sure that I understand what's going on here...what's the deal with the "awaiting moderation"?
on Jan 04, 2007
How do you even install some of these icons and take screen shots of the ones you have currently.. Sorry I am new
on Jan 04, 2007
The icons, brad, are designed for use with Stardock's Objectdock program or with other "Dock" type launchers...find object dock here WWW Link">Link

Screenshots are made easy by a free little program called FastStone Capture found here
WWW Link

Or you can screenshot the old fashioned way by hitting the PRTSCRN button and pasting into your image program and saving as a .jpg.

Welcome aboard! glad to have you here!
on Jan 04, 2007
I've been trying to make a nice icon for TreeDBNotes Pro, but haven't really been successful. Here is the icon that comes with it:

I've also not been able to find an icon for KeepSafe, which is strange given Stardock's relationship to this site.

Thanks so much for your effort, guys.

on Jan 04, 2007
Yes Phoenixheart, I was hoping for an icon of a runner. I have a few files (excel, word) in which I keep info and logs about running, so I was hoping you might have a creative and cool idea of a running figure. I made my avatar (and other variations of it) in, and I am trying out GIMP, but I was hoping to see what someone else might come up with. The other links I gave were other running figure style icons that I have seen, and even changed a bit for my own use, and thought might give an idea of the sort of thing I was thinking of.

I could also use icons for the two other companies/websites - Garmin and MotionBased.

I'm not having any luck putting images into the replies, sorry for leaving everything as links.

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