Published on December 28, 2005 By Phoenixheart In Community
Though I've just submited a few icons to the ObjectDock skin area, I've been a visiter and registered user of WC for a long time. One thing easy to see is, there are too many icons for the "famous" programs, like Photoshop, Winamp, WMP... As I know, a lot of people use many other programs on their PC, and they can't find their OD icons anywhere, as well as they do not know how to create one themselves (as in my case before).
So, why don't we have an "open area" for those OD users to request for their favorite programs' icons? And those who can use graphical apps can create them. It's also a chance to improve your skills isn't it ?
I'll be the first... Any one need an icon? You can send me a screenshot of the origin icon, and I'll try to make it an OD one (128, 256, in PNG or ICO...).
Not so good in graphik, so I need the help from the pro gd!

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on Oct 31, 2006
correct, Mac...the AV3 is just an icon for the player and not a skin...but, alas, my skinning abilities are limited to icons, therefore, you got the icon...I've done my part and maybe some of these other artisits will pick up the baton and run with it to get the entire new skin done.

Glad you found the AAC icon useable, and, of course...if you have any other programs that have unusable, boring or just plain "no" icons...list them here and myself or some of the other, greater icon artists will give 'em a whirl.

Enjoy the AAC icon! and whomever designs the new AV3 skin, you are under no obligation to use my new icon
on Nov 09, 2006
Hi Phoenixheart!!

You're the man!i've searched for sb like you who lets benefit others from his skill.
And i also have a request for an icon i was searching for long time. From the programming language 'Ada95'.I don't have a screenshot but the logo is so crude and boring that i would prefer one designed by you. Just the typical attribute such as the yellow letters with black border should stay. I think it would look best in a circle as you can see e.g. in the popular dreamweaver icons.
So I would really appreciate that.

on Nov 09, 2006
Hi again!

here's a pic of what i imagine that the basic Design of the Ada95 ico should look like...

would be great if you could do that it would make my dock truely complete!!

on Nov 09, 2006
this img-link should work longer:

in 128x128 i need it
on Nov 12, 2006

Could somebody please make me icons for these programms:

Cinderella 2:

(it's a geometry programm)

Maple 8:

this one is just too boring.

on Nov 14, 2006
Sorry, gang...had the flu. Will get right on these new the thread and it'll let you know when they've been uploaded
on Nov 14, 2006
on Nov 14, 2006
on Nov 14, 2006
Hi Bandit4edu!!

thanks for you're work!! But i think i have described my idea too mistakable. Could you please take this icon which i made:

and start it up by making it look like a globe(ball), with a soft crossing and mirror (or aquatic) effects. e.g as you can see in this icon:

I'm sorry that i told it mistakable, would be really cool if you could to that again.
on Nov 14, 2006

I just updated the original the download will contain both icons

made sure you got 128 versions too

hope y'all like this one

give it time to pass moderation
on Nov 14, 2006
Yeah with a bit more transparency for the white area it will look really cool..In the mean time I've learned a bit more about designing icons here you can see what i made:

so thanks again for you're work..
on Nov 15, 2006
Hey Gecko! You're building your own icon! and I LIKE IT! keep it up, learn the trade, and join us here on this thread. Extending you the invitation to become a requested icon designer.
on Nov 15, 2006
thank you bandit.

Nice Icons
on Nov 15, 2006
glad I could help, Nathan
on Nov 21, 2006
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