Published on December 28, 2005 By Phoenixheart In Community
Though I've just submited a few icons to the ObjectDock skin area, I've been a visiter and registered user of WC for a long time. One thing easy to see is, there are too many icons for the "famous" programs, like Photoshop, Winamp, WMP... As I know, a lot of people use many other programs on their PC, and they can't find their OD icons anywhere, as well as they do not know how to create one themselves (as in my case before).
So, why don't we have an "open area" for those OD users to request for their favorite programs' icons? And those who can use graphical apps can create them. It's also a chance to improve your skills isn't it ?
I'll be the first... Any one need an icon? You can send me a screenshot of the origin icon, and I'll try to make it an OD one (128, 256, in PNG or ICO...).
Not so good in graphik, so I need the help from the pro gd!

Comments (Page 69)
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on Sep 29, 2006
Super Bandit!, im sure I can find some more to keep you busy!
could you mod the TA Spring one without the "battleroom" text? that would be great!

on Sep 29, 2006
on Sep 29, 2006
B4e, this is awesome! Can be used for generic files on "magick" for even non-gamers. Clean, Crisp. Extremely magical...
Can't wait for it to clear mod!
on Sep 29, 2006
Here are 2 that no one has made yet.
1. Corel Paintshop Pro XI
2. Corel Snapfire

on Sep 29, 2006
Heres one for you, its for a program called autopatcher, contains all windows updates and patches plus some tweaks:

on Oct 01, 2006
That Magic icon is perfect, without the "Awaits Moderation" thingy.

Do i need to upload the icons of Warcraft III games?
on Oct 02, 2006
would be helpful, X...really it would
madlan...I will modify the TA Spring and update the origional will take a bit more moderation, but be patient and it will pop back up in the gallery with both icons in the zip file

Thank you seldomseen for you comments!
on Oct 02, 2006
on Oct 02, 2006
Okay, here are the original icons for Warcraft games:

If you could make them in a circle/orb like the MTG one, it would be perfect.
I allready got Day of Defeat, Counterstrike Source and 1.6 and now MTG in these globes, so if WC3 also got into them it would have been perfect..
All my games in the tab is globes then..
on Oct 03, 2006
on Oct 03, 2006
on Oct 03, 2006
two warcraft frisbees, as requested
on Oct 03, 2006
on Oct 04, 2006
nice ones. thanks!
on Oct 05, 2006

Awaiting moderation~
The original icon is awesome, so I couldn't make it any better
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