Published on December 28, 2005 By Phoenixheart In Community
Though I've just submited a few icons to the ObjectDock skin area, I've been a visiter and registered user of WC for a long time. One thing easy to see is, there are too many icons for the "famous" programs, like Photoshop, Winamp, WMP... As I know, a lot of people use many other programs on their PC, and they can't find their OD icons anywhere, as well as they do not know how to create one themselves (as in my case before).
So, why don't we have an "open area" for those OD users to request for their favorite programs' icons? And those who can use graphical apps can create them. It's also a chance to improve your skills isn't it ?
I'll be the first... Any one need an icon? You can send me a screenshot of the origin icon, and I'll try to make it an OD one (128, 256, in PNG or ICO...).
Not so good in graphik, so I need the help from the pro gd!

Comments (Page 63)
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on Jul 26, 2006
on Jul 26, 2006
Ok I just got Adobe Audition and I was wondering if someone could make me a similar icon to match the rest of my other adobe icons.




Image Ready:


on Jul 26, 2006
I would suggest that you contact the origional designer...D. Arnaez in this case, and ask for an icon for Audition to match the origional set...I for one am not gonna try to match the look that D. can get out of an icon, and I don't wanna rip off someone else's design.
Try clicking here for more information

on Jul 27, 2006
Thank you so much... I had no idea the guy who created it was still around.
on Jul 27, 2006
Wow, that's really really nice Thank you so much!! I'm getting better with Corel Photo Studio X Right now, I am working on an icon for CPSX, I hope it turns out nicely.
on Jul 27, 2006
lol...SS, old skinners never die...they just get gui!
on Aug 02, 2006
*tap* *tap* *tap* hello....anyone in there???
on Aug 02, 2006
on Aug 02, 2006
been kinda busy haven't had time to stop in
on Aug 06, 2006
Where did everyone go?
on Aug 07, 2006
huh? what? *yawn* long have I been asleep???
on Aug 08, 2006
we're sorry, your call can not be completed as dialed, please hang up and try again, if you feel you have reached this recording in error, scroll back through the previous pages of this thread and see if we have indeed made an icon for every software program and web applicaiton know to man. thank you
on Aug 09, 2006
on Aug 09, 2006
how is there 900 and some odd replies when this was just posted, (just curious) is it possable?
on Aug 09, 2006 wasn't just moves up the forums list everytimes someone replies to it...uh...this...JAFO! I NEED YOUR VERBAL SKILLS ON THIS ONE!
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