Published on December 28, 2005 By Phoenixheart In Community
Though I've just submited a few icons to the ObjectDock skin area, I've been a visiter and registered user of WC for a long time. One thing easy to see is, there are too many icons for the "famous" programs, like Photoshop, Winamp, WMP... As I know, a lot of people use many other programs on their PC, and they can't find their OD icons anywhere, as well as they do not know how to create one themselves (as in my case before).
So, why don't we have an "open area" for those OD users to request for their favorite programs' icons? And those who can use graphical apps can create them. It's also a chance to improve your skills isn't it ?
I'll be the first... Any one need an icon? You can send me a screenshot of the origin icon, and I'll try to make it an OD one (128, 256, in PNG or ICO...).
Not so good in graphik, so I need the help from the pro gd!

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on Mar 06, 2008
wow Po,that convertxtodvd icon looks amazing. thank you very much
on Mar 08, 2008
Po' Smedley: That's perfect, thanks!
on Mar 24, 2008
anyone want to make an icon for RivaTuner?
on Mar 25, 2008
awaiting moderation...
on Mar 29, 2008
Comment removed by Moderator
Please avoid to spam the forums
By ArileenDesign 05/27/2008
on May 05, 2008
I spend a lot of time playing mmorpgs. There are 3 that I have in my "Games" dock drawer. Silkroad, Rohan and Archlord. I found a nice icon for Silkroad. Rohan hasn't reached open beta yet but I'd love to have an icon that doesn't look like someone left a drawing in the rain. (yeah, theirs is that ugly and distorted) Archlord's icon is one of the company that makes/peddles it. Anyone willing to show them how it's done? Right now I'm just using a cropped pic of the names. I would appreciate it greatly!
on May 19, 2008
I have a request that might be a challenge, if you’re up for it.

How about trying to update the RealTek crab looking icon?

Thanks for the help.
on Jun 11, 2008
Hey there. If someone could make a simple ObjectDock icon of Acoustica Beatcraft, I'd really appreciate it.

Here are the logo samples:

on Jun 20, 2008
Hi, a long time ago I was searching for some UAC (DOOM) icons. Now I have some Pictures from the movie Icons, but if I use these images to make icons it looks terrible...

can somebody make this better?

here are the images.


(sorry for bad english, Ißm from germany)

here is the original thread:

My Desktop: [url][/url]
on Jun 21, 2008
Hi, the icons you come up with are just great. I am developing a volume docklet for object dock but I really can't put togetter any graphic.

Would it be possible that any of you would like to help me out? the alfa version of this docklet might be downloaded from:

WWW Link

Currently I simply recycled some incons from my fist docklet project (WiFi info Docklet WWW Link).
I need 10 icons (256x256 png) which will render the current volume level; and two more ones, one for "muted" volume and one used while the docklet is being initialized.

on Jun 23, 2008
in the Objectdock gallery WWW Link

on Jun 24, 2008
Ok, I'm quite surprised....why doesn't anyone make the Windows Live suite icons. You know....I didn't find any icons for:
1. Windows Live Writer
2. Windows Live Mail [though the original looks sharp too]
3. WIndows Live Photo Gallery

  Sounds like I'm complaining...but I'm not. If anyone can just make 256x256 of the original icons [without personal changes] that would be great...

These icons are actually so uncommon that I had a hard time searching for sample images on Google. If someone could just use the original and make them sharper and larger...I'll really like that...  
on Jun 27, 2008
Now in the OD gallery
Sorry they took so long
on Jun 28, 2008
WOW, this is cool.. thank you very much... Do you have some source files too? (whit a blank Folder and a blank hexagon) I want to try to make some new icons with Winamp, Jpeg,... logos on it.

WWW Link
on Jul 05, 2008
Anyone up to the challenge in doing a .png of Network Magic. Thanks in advance to those who will offer their services.
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